Cookie Policy

Our website makes use of cookies, which are tracking tools that certain websites send to your computer when you visit them. We do not compare or associate this data with any customer data you provide to Keynote Technologies Ltd.

Using cookies on the website:

User preference: These are the settings we use to tailor your website experience. For instance, you can change your live chat preferences or dismiss a popup so that it won't appear again in your browser.

In order to enhance the user experience, we employ analytics to better understand how the website is being used. All of your user info is private. Visit to learn more about Google's stance on privacy in relation to its analytics service.

AdWords: We can see which pages contributed to contact form submissions by using Google AdWords code. This enables us to spend our paid search budget more effectively. Additionally, we keep track of which pages visitors visit so that we can deliver more precise advertising in the future.

In order to provide measurement services and to more precisely target future advertising, we utilize LinkedIn advertising conversion tracking and re-targeting pixels, which give us the ability to gather or receive information from your website and from other websites on the internet.

CRM: HubSpot is the CRM we use, and it sets cookies to record user preferences and activity.

We make use of a variety of third-party web services. For instance, we occasionally utilize SlideShare to exhibit slideshows, YouTube, and Vimeo to show videos, and social network icons to promote social sharing. We are unable to stop these websites or external domains from placing their own cookies and gathering usage data. These external services will not know who you are if you are not logged in, but they may still collect anonymous usage data, such as the number of views, plays, loads, etc.

Although it may be configured to accept cookies automatically, your web browser can be made to reject them. You can change your browser so that it alerts you when cookies are given to it or you can completely reject cookies if you don't want to receive them. Additionally, you have the option of deleting already-set cookies. You may usually disable cookies altogether or prevent new cookies from being set by your browser by using the "Incognito" or "InPrivate" settings (referred to as "Private Browsing" in Firefox and Safari, respectively) or by using the Help area of the toolbar on most browsers. To learn more about how to do this on a number of desktop browsers, visit

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